How do we prepare our route?

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And what countries will we visit in Africa? Read more here.

In less than 3 months we will depart, time to prepare the route and the spots we would like to visit.

When it comes to National parks and other interesting places to visit, we read the LonelyPlanet and of course online blogs. We mark all the interesting spots on is an offline map app for your phone. It includes almost all the roads and walking trails. In the added picture you can see all our marked locations. Some are well-known hotspots and some are beautiful off-the-beaten-track spots, capable of visiting depending on the conditions of the road. We will not be able to visit them all. For us, it works best to mark them all, and while driving we choose what way we go.

The countries that we will visit in Africa

  1. Morocco
  2. Mauritania
  3. Senegal
  4. The Gambia
  5. Guinea Bissau
  6. Guinea
  7. Sierra Leone
  8. Liberia
  9. Cote d’Ivoire
  10. Ghana
  11. Togo
  12. Benin
  13. Nigeria
  14. Cameroon
  15. Equatorial Guinea – maybe
  16. Congo
  17. Gabon
  18. Sao Tome & Principe – maybe
  19. Angola
  20. Namibia
  21. South Africa
  22. Lesotho – maybe
  23. Swaziland – maybe
  24. Zimbabwe – maybe
  25. Zambia – maybe
  26. Mozambique
  27. Tanzania
  28. Uganda – maybe
  29. Malawi – maybe
  30. Kenya
  31. Ethiopia
  32. Djibouti – maybe
  33. Sudan
  34. Egypt

Do you have recommendations of places to go and things to see or do? Please contact us!

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