Redeeming plastics

kate beer redeeming plastics 4x4electric

Making new products out of plastic waste. Kate Beer has a start-up, Redeeming Plastics, in Morocco to start recycling plastic waste and educate children to do the same.

Recycling plastic waste in Morocco and educating kids to do the same

Kate Beer started a new company in Tanger, Morocco, in April 2022; Redeeming Plastics.


Together with her husband Tim Beer, she educates at schools to gather the plastic waste at home. Her company collects this plastic to recycle. Once it is collected in big bags and delivered to her location the process of recycling starts. First, the plastic is separated into different types and colors after which it is granulated. The granulated parts are then heated and pressed into small plates to make new products. As an example, she made a new table.

Her company is based at a site where kids without a good home get a chance for a better future. Kate and Tim educate these kids so that they learn how to make a business out of waste.

How it all started

Kate and Tim Beer are both originally from England. They loved the country Morocco and decided to stay. As they noticed there was no real recycling process organized here, it became their passion to make a change.

Future plans

As they have just started this year, they want to grow as a company. Collecting more paste, educating more kids, optimizing the process of recycling, and developing more different products out of plastic waste to sell. They hope locals will see the potential to start their own businesses in recycling plastic waste as well. There is more than enough waste to process, so they do not see this as competition but also business partners.


Do you want to help Kate and Tim grow their business?

  • Follow them on Instagram.
  • Visit them and help them as a company.
  • Provide them with a solar system to generate green energy

Feel free to contact us or Kate to make a change together!

Tip by Kate for you

Reuse plastic products you have, like a bag or a bottle. By reusing them the amount of waste generated is decreased.

As a company, take the time to investigate what is done with your waste. Often there are better solutions that result in less climate impact and a good business case for you as well.

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