

On this page you can see the current details of the car. Here you can find a better explanation of the metrics that can be found on the home page.

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Liters saved

We calculated the amounts of petrol saved in liters, by converting the amounts of kilometers driven to liters.

We then calculate how many of those liters are charged by none renewable sources, so that we can subtract those from the total amount.

The none renewable sources are all different per country, so we calculated this with the average of the continent of Africa.

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Our Skoda Enyaq iV80 could hypothetically drive 49,73 kilometers with 1 liter of petrol.

This calculation was made by using the amount of kwh that a liter of petrol creates while burning it,

and dividing this with the amount of kwh the car uses per kilometer while driving.

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CO2 saved

To calculate the amount of CO2 that we have saved by driving with this electrical car, we converted the amounts of liters saved into CO2 emissions.
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Trees saved

To calculate the amounts of trees that have been saved, we divided the amount of CO2 emissions we saved with the amount of CO2 a tree can offset.
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Kilometers driven in Africa

While the journey may have started in Europe, our goal is to drive a lap around Africa.

The distance driven in Africa is calculated by subtracting the distance driven in Europe from the total distance!

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Solar energy percentage

Here you can see the total percentage of energy generated by our own solar panels during our expedition in Africa.

By charging with solar energy, the line will go up. By charging with an electrical pole, the line will go down.

In this graph you can easily see that we only charged using solar energy since the 7th of December.


Our goal was to have more than 51% energy based on solar energy, which we reached the 19th of December!

In the picture below, you can see how the percentage of solar energy is being calculated.

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Power used in Africa

While driving electrically through Africa, we can keep track of the power consumed during our travels.

This calculation involves summing the total power obtained from three sources: solar charging, socket charging, and energy regeneration since our arrival in Africa.