The adventure begins!

4x4electric spain

Today is the day, the start of our sustainable expedition.

Every adventure starts with an idea
An idea is like a seed, it needs the right environment to come to life
A healthy soil with different nutrients
Clean air with a correct mixture of gasses
The sun, to power all the internal processes

A seed has to deal with the balance on the position it touches the earth
But as humans, we can search for the right balance for an idea
Our soil is the car and equipment we take with us
The clean air the followers we want to inspire
The sun as a source of power to make our trip possible

We want to show the world what is possible driving electric
We will drive from the Netherlands to South Africa and back with an electric car
Charging the car with solar panels we take with us
Visiting different projects answering to the sustainable development goals

Do you want to be the soil for this project?
Do you want to be the clean air we will inspire during our trip?
Join us on this unique and adventurous journey

Dare to believe in the impossible
Dare to believe in the power of the sun
We are ready for it, are you?

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Atlas mountain 4x4electric
Enjoy the failure

A couple of days ago we drove up a mountain pass of over 2.200m in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. An interesting lesson on how to approach h a critical situation.

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