Video about our plastic-free water system

Expedition car 4x4electric

This third episode is all about how we store and filter our water to drink, cook, shower, and more.

We made the third episode of a series where we show you how our expedition car works and how we live in and around it while overlanding all-electric in Africa.

This third episode is all about how we store and filter our water to drink, cook, shower, and more.

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Overlanding all-electric through Tanzania and Kenya

After Mozambique and Malawi with both no fast-charging stations or any kind of chargers for that matter, we had found a way to charge our car each time we needed to. Therefore, when we entered Tanzania, we expected this would be no different. But, the second we crossed the border, things changed.

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Atlas mountain 4x4electric
Enjoy the failure

A couple of days ago we drove up a mountain pass of over 2.200m in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. An interesting lesson on how to approach h a critical situation.

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